We are aware that you spend your days seeking cost-effective, robust solutions in radiology that:
Connect and share images & reports remotely with other imaging departments or teleradiology companies to maintain coverage during sparsely attended times (nights, weekends, holidays, etc.).
RamSoft offers novel cloud-based and cloud-native RIS, PACS, VNA, and patient portal solutions equipped to help mobilize radiology operations within smaller/regional hospital ecosystems — here’s how:
Automated Workflows
In OmegaAI, workflows can be created with multiple automated triggers based on a wide range of variables (i.e., critical findings, modalities, priority/triage, etc.) to prioritize and route images & reports throughout your hospital ecosystem or to a connected teleradiology partner.
Secure and Easy Sharing
Quick, secure image sharing via the latest innovations such as QR codes and study links (can be automated!) that simplifies collaboration and communication between patients, attending and referring physicians, and other consulting healthcare team members and departments.
Total Interoperability & Seamless Integration
Extensive support for HL7®, DICOM®, IHE, (and FHIR® in OmegaAI) allows smaller and regional hospitals to easily integrate a wide range of new and legacy systems.
Limitless Scalability
Cloud-enabled scalability grants unlimited users, workstations, modalities, and facilities. As your hospital grows, RamSoft grows with you!
Cost-Effective Pricing
RamSoft offers a competitive SaaS pricing model (i.e., per study charge) enabling smaller hospitals to invest in a powerful cloud-native or cloud-based radiology imaging platform without a significant upfront capital expense.
Customizable Cloud-Enabled Imaging
Utilize third-party partner apps to custom-create your ecosystem to drive faster, empowered care. (OmegaAI’s Marketplace offers convenient access to a variety of specialized integrated apps such as mammo tracking and volumetrics.)
Comprehensive Industry Compliance
Experience superior data integrity and security with extensive compliance to industry standards, regulations, and certifications including HIPAA, The Cures Act (US), SOC 2 Type II, and ISO 13485. RamSoft’s solutions are also developed to meet audit compliance requirements such as MDSAP and AICPA SOC.
Enhanced Data Sharing & Interconnectivity
Easily connect various departments and other healthcare networks to facilitate secure, TLS-encrypted data sharing with OmegaAI’s unique data linking feature, OmegaAI LINK — it comes as a “zero-cost to install” feature and is easy to maintain via centralized management.
RamSoft’s Cloud-Based Suite of Enterprise PACS Solutions