RamSoft®’s cloud-based and cloud-native solutions are hosted and architected on top of Microsoft’s leading-edge cloud computing platform, Azure.
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Enhance communication between departments, facilities, and specialties with smooth interconnectivity.
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Drive interoperability across your imaging ecosystem by seamlessly integrating any new and existing systems and applications.

Leverage the best of Azure with RamSoft  

With RamSoft’s Azure-enabled cloud solutions,  access unmatched cloud capabilities to scale your enterprise imaging.
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Conform to the highest levels in industry compliance including HIPAA.
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Flexibly expand your storage and cloud computing capabilities as your organization grows.
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Implement quickly and confidently with limited IT resources.

Available on Microsoft Azure Marketplace

PowerServer™ and OmegaAI® are hosted, validated, and accessible for purchase on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace.

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Available on Microsoft Azure Marketplace logo